Tag Anya Taylor-Joy

Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga


Furiosa follows the story of how she became the badass heroine from Mad Max: Fury Road and stars Chris Hemsworth and Anya Taylor-Joy.

Furiosa is the latest, or fifth, installment in the Mad Max franchise from Warner Brothers and features Chris Hemsworth and Anya Taylor-Joy. The story follows her from being a child through rising up through Immortan Joe’s ranks. It even covers how she lost her arm as well. The world of Mad Max is responsible for inspiring, or helping to inspire, so many other properties. My own novel I published years ago being one of them. The world has basically gone to hell. As far as anyone can tell, it is all wasteland in every direction. The remnants of society have banded behind blood thirsty leaders that promise to provide them with the best the world has left to offer while maintaining uneasy alliances. Due to Fury Road, we know how her story ends but not see how it truly begins with her abduction from her paradisical home.

The team did a fantastic job making a truly believable wasteland, leaving me curious about where they could have filmed everything. The effects were over the top, but in a great way and the cast was amazing. During Fury Road, Furiosa was my favorite character and this film  further reinforced that feeling. Overall it was a great film for fans of over the top action, fiery explosions and absolutely brutal combat.