Recently the fine folks at Warner Bros (their home page is here) had sent me a code to one of the movies I missed so that I could share my thoughts on it with you. For the first part of this series we talked about Scoob, Birds of Prey, The Way Back, Goonies 4K, Beetlejuice 4K, Full Metal Jacket, Sherlock Holmes 4K and Sherlock Holmes A Game of Shadows 4K. We are back again with Part 2 to talk about V for Vendetta 4K, 300 4K, The Lord of the Rings Trilogy 4K, The Hobbit Trilogy 4K, Blade 4K, Bill and Ted Face the Music, Tenet and The Wolf of Snow Hollow.
V for Vendetta 4K
This movie follows a dystopian future of the United Kingdom where church and state are one and the same. Evie breaks curfew and is recued by a secretive hero- V. V spends the next year on a path to tear down the corrupt government that created him. It has always been an all time favorite film of mine and managed to look even better in 4K!
300 4K
300 is one of those guilty pleasure storylines for me. I have always loved the look and style of the Spartans and when Frank Miller wrote the comic I had to pick it up. When this film first hit theaters I was able to go and enjoyed it. Seeing it again but in 4k on my big screen made me wish I made some popcorn because it had that same feeling I missed with going to theaters.

The Lord of the Rings Trilogy 4K
This is Peter Jackson’s trilogy as it is meant to be seen in glorious 4k. It comes with both the original theatrical release and the extended versions. These films have always been visually stunning with a fantastic cast and story. The extended cuts though add many scenes I’ve never seen that add some depth to the story that was not necessary but made for a great time anyway.

The Hobbit Trilogy 4K
This is the second Tolkien trilogy and once again comes with both the theatrical releases and the extended versions. The first two I was able to enjoy in theater but never saw the third. Until we received our review copies I still hadn’t seen it. This was the perfect chance. We sat down and began watching one after the other (focusing more on the extended cuts) and had a great time. Of course the extras are not essential to the story but there were some great moments that we hadn’t seen before.

Blade 4K
This was the first Marvel film I had ever seen and even then had no idea he was even a Marvel character. All I knew was he was a badass hero that killed vampires. This movie is a bit dated (last time I saw it was on DVD) but the 4k edition looks so much better than I expect from a film that came out in the 90s. It was so much fun I hope that Warner Bros does the same with the two sequels.

Bill and Ted Face the Music
With the Bill and Ted franchise there will always be a soft spot in my heart. It was what first got me interested in the concept of time travel. The first two films you get to hear about this show that unites the world but this film promises we will get to see it. They know that they are approaching the deadline to have it ready and decide to travel through time once again to steal it from themselves. My expectations were quite low for this film. Trailers did not truly do it justice. I absolutely loved this film and thought it was the perfect ending to the series.

Tenet is a spy film that lays the fate of the world on the shoulders of one man, but it has one defining characteristic that makes it stand out. Conceptually it is very much time travel film without the same control of time travel. Several scenes are replayed multiple times from different angles as time moves weirdly through the film. The cast is fantastic and as always Nolan tells a brilliant film. Well worth the watch.

The Wolf of Snow Hollow
Written and starring Jim Cummings this horror film follows a small mountain community dealing with either a brutal killer or a monster. They slowly piece together that the marks on the victims are similar to a dog or wolf and the town starts to think a werewolf is on the hunt. It can be a bit campy at times but handles the serious scenes quite well. Cummings does both a brilliant job as the Sheriff and writer of this film, I’m honestly surprised it wasn’t better known. In fact I have yet to see anyone really talking about the film and that’s too bad.