Tag Warhammer Quest

Cursed City: Nemesis


The heroes of Ulfenkarn have defeated Radukar again but what’s next? Cursed City: Nemesis brings the final chapter to the story!

You’ve made it this far. You’ve defeated Radukar again. What’s next for our heroes? In Cursed City: Nemesis a Necromancer is working to resurrect The Beast and it is up to you to stop the rites. If you’ve made it this far and are feeling confidence perhaps it is premature. Sure there are some missions that allow you to start your next mission inspired but is that enough to secure your victory? I’m thinking inspiration alone will not win this day. The enemies this time around are much less intimidating in appearance but their numbers may just overwhelm you.

So what has been added this time around? Not including a resurrected Radukar, you will be facing Grave Guard, a Necromancer, Vargheists, Wight King, Dire Wolves and a couple other familiar fiends will be returning as well. Compared to your heroes they are much in a one on one fight but their numbers may turn the tide.

Continuing the story is by far the best reason to pick this up however I have two complaints. The first is the resurrected Radukar is using the same stats and model of The Beast. I was hoping for a lager and more intimidating version of Radukar, maybe one that could rival his benefactor Belladamma as the new head of the Vyrkos bloodline? The second complaint is the lack of additional map tiles. Beyond that this is a fantastic addition and I can’t wait to see how we fare against the undead hordes.

Cursed City: Nightwars


The heroes of Ulfenkarn have defeated Radukar but what’s next? Cursed City: Nightwars answers that with three new vampires!

It wasn’t too long ago that we sat with famed adventurer and Black Library author CL Werner about the Cursed City novel. The novel was a precursor to the game itself, for those that don’t remember or haven’t read it yet. It was amazing, absolutely an amazing read. Nightwars continues the overall story of Cursed City as three vampires try to fill the power vacuum left by Radukar’s defeat. Of course Radukar has something to say about it too.

Should you somehow defeat the three vampires you will still need to fight Radukar one last time as The Beast. By far one of my favorite Soulblight models, thankfully we had already picked up our own models anticipating they might find use through a White Dwarf article or two. The fact that they tied them into the official expansion was a lucky win for us. Who else purchased these models in hopes of seeing rules for them? I can’t be the only one. At the time I was lucky enough to get everything required and already had all but the Fell Bats painted. The new expansion has already been announced and we are currently missing those models.

Many people complain about the lack of models but I think that is a bit premature. This is similar to White Dwarf releasing character or mission rules. I understand with this box you are paying $60 USD but you are getting components and an expanded rulebook. Both go beyond what you would have received in White Dwarf. For that and the in-depth continuation of the story I feel that this box is essential for Cursed City fans.

Warhammer Quest Silver Tower

Silver Tower

Warhammer Quest and Perchang team up again with The Silver Tower!

Perchang is not one of those developers everyone knows but those that do seem to love them, I happen to be one of these people. They have taken a beloved tabletop experience and brought it to mobile phones. The latest iteration of the Warhammer Quest line being The Silver Tower.

New players start with two characters and quickly get the opportunity to get a third. To unlock additional characters you can collect or purchase blue crystals. 100 will get you a random character and 250 will get you a guaranteed 3* or higher character. That’s not bad at all considering the fact that you will average about ten per day by completing minor challenges. This challenges vary from collecting gold to gaining experience or killing certain enemies. Either way you can easily get a new character pretty regularly. Recently though they added a third option where every week for about 5 or 6 hours you can get a special choice. Some weeks this choice is from all of the Death faction characters or like this week’s a 4* magic user. For those impatient enough you can purchase additional gems.

Gameplay is similar to previous versions in that during the player’s turn you move your characters across the map and then perform your actions. However, one slight difference to previous versions is that you could move your maximum distance and still perform an action but with Silver Tower you can only move short distance and then attack, attack twice or move a long distance. Visually the game is simply gorgeous and the animations of your characters are rendered just as crisply. The game is fast paced and a ton of fun. I sincerely hope the team is allowed to do a hybrid of these mechanics but include a story mode with the newer Warhammer Quest- Blackstone Fortress.