Archives August 2022

This War of Mine Final Cut

This War of Mine

11 Bit Studios returns to publish the Final Cut of This War of Mine and it includes every previous piece of content the game had to offer!

11 Bit Studios reminds players that in war not everyone is a soldier or warrior. This reminder is the basis of This War of Mine. You take as one of several civilians having to carve out a living and more importantly to survive. Each day you can send your survivor(s) on missions for supplies. Likewise other survivors can be sent to your base of operations and steal your hard earned items. When I played it was so frustrating to have things stolen. Of course I had no issues doing it to characters in game, so what goes around comes around.

The game play is not meant to allow you to win using brute force like many titles. Instead you have to carefully plan your outings and don’t let yourself get greedy. That killed more characters of mine than I care to admit. While the crafting and leveling systems can be tedious I found the game enjoyable. This is a take on war that more games should explore and simply don’t. Visually the game isn’t the most detailed but the story and experience are well worth it.

The Horus Heresy Age of Darkness

Age of Darkness

Games Workshop delivers a new edition of The Horus Heresy with Age of Darkness and the box is absolutely massive!

Fans of The Horus Heresy rejoice as the latest edition has not only arrived but it is by far one of the largest boxed releases WE have ever seen. Age of Darkness includes 54 total miniatures including a Dreadnought and a Spartan Assault Tank. Even better is that you can use the entire box for a single army or divide it among factions for smaller games. 40 Marines make for a considerable value especially when paired with the heavy ordinance. When adding the two army books as well players can choose from any of the Space Marine Chapters and here’s my favorite part, when playing one of the heretical armies you can choose to play them as a loyalist chapter from before their fall OR as purely heretical after their fall. The choice is yours.

I have never seen so much versatility in a single box before. Considering all the lore already released for this period of time having so many options is amazing. I honestly was expecting very different stats and rules between the Chapters but there really isn’t much difference other than which characters or special rules you can take with your army. If you are planning to play within the 30K timeline this is an amazing value for your money and the perfect jumping on point. Over the rest of this year we should see further releases to go along with this box. I can’t wait to see what else is in store for The Horus Hesesy!

Under The Jolly Rodger

Under The Jolly Rodger

Herocraft bring us the latest pirate themed adventure with Under the Jolly Rodger.

Herocraft bring us the latest pirate themed adventure with Under the Jolly Rodger where you can murder and pillage to your heart’s content. While sailing around the Caribbean you collect quests or can just look for ships to sink and steal from. As the game progresses you can hunt the bigger targets including forts themselves. Cautious players will want to avoid this option for as long as possible because the stronger ships are not that forgiving. You and your crew slowly gain experience and can eventually become a force to be reckoned with. Will you survive long enough to rule the seas or will you be swallowed up by the kraken? That’s right, there’s a kraken and it has sunk me more than the British fleet has.

Growing up on classics like Sid Meir’s Pirates and graduating to Assassin Creed’s Black Flag there are lots of game styles that this game could have pulled from that would have made me happy. Herocraft went the hybrid route and created an amalgamation of Sid Meir’s Pirates and a combat system that felt like the ship combat for Assassin’s Creed Odyssey. Over all I found it to be a little tedious with the resource management system and the combat was a little less than polished but I enjoyed the overall freedom to explore where I wanted in whatever order I wanted. For a pirate game this wasn’t all that bad, sure there is lots of room for improvement but it is still worth playing through and getting your pillage on.