Ninja Rabbit Studio brings an homage to classics like Mega-Man with their latest game- Panda Punch!
One of my favorite games from my childhood was Mega-Man and for those that have never played it is a side scroller where you fight robots using various powers stolen from other robots. Panda Punch looks and feels exactly like the earlier versions of that franchise. The game starts out with robots attacking your home and you set out on a quest of revenge. Those pesky robots must die!
Game controls are easy to pickup and feel just like playing the side scrolling platforms of the past. Visually it matches the same 8-bit style but with a red panda instead of the blue helmeted robot we’re used to. For an action side scroller the game was a bit heavier on the story dialogue than I would expect and distracted from the gameplay a bit. The game was slow and the action drawn out. This game gets a skip from me.