Watchmen Chapter 1, and animated film review

Watchmen Chapter 1, and animated film review


Watchmen Chapter 1 is an animated retelling of the film and comics from DC Comics, Warner Brothers and Alan Moore.

Watchmen Chapter 1 is the first of a two part animated series from Warner Brothers, based on the comic by Alan Moore from DC Comics. Originally released in 1986, the story focuses on an alternative history that includes costumed heroes helping through some of the greatest conflicts of the last 100 years. I went into this film without having seen the live action film or having read the entirety of the story either. The only things I was truly aware of was the death of The Comedian, Rorschach is an absolute beast in a fight and Dr. Manhattan is beyond overpowered. When I saw the title, Watchmen Chapter 1, I was expecting some sort of prequel, not an animated adaptation of the book and live action film. Clearly I was wrong.

Chapter 1 is a direct adaptation of the comic and film. I can’t speak to differences based on my lack of experience with either of the prior properties but I suspect that is part of the reasoning behind this adaptation. As with the main story, this film begins with the murder of The Comedian but ends with Rorschach’s arrest.

The animation quality far surpasses most, if not all, of the animated properties from DC and Warner Brothers. It looks very similar to the art style of the Batman games from Telltale Games. The voice acting is great which isn’t a surprise considering some of the names attached. Without knowing the details of the story it kept me on the edge of my seat, needing to know who the killer was and why. Overall it was a fantastic film.

Jake Combs


Jake Combs is the Editor-in-Chief of the Nerd Cult and has been a professional writer for over 20 years. Throughout this time he has written several short stories, comics, and even a novel. When he’s not writing professionally he is an avid comic book reader, gamer, and father. On weekends his is the hosting of a tabletop themed show called Table Talk.