The folks at Atari are back with another Recharged title, giving it a much needed facelift and marketing it towards newer players. That game is Quantum: Recharged.
Atari have redesigned quite a few of their games under the Recharged label, the latest of which is Quantum: Recharged. You fly a ship with a tail of sorts that leaves a trace behind you and if you cross the trace, creating a loop, it creates a destructive void that will destroy enemy ships. Additionally the game comes with a mission mode that challenges and refines your skills as your progress.
The controls are smooth as hell. I’ve never played a game before where your control of the ship was so well defined you could literally thread a needle with it. This is the first. Can’t tell you how many close calls I had that thanks to the controls I was able to avoid danger. The ships and powerups were quite simple in appearance but the overlay or HUD for the game was incredibly crisp. This game is another example of why you shouldn’t be sleeping on Atari’s Recharged titles. Now if only I could actually get good at the game, then I might make it to the end. It’s time to practice some more.