Cursed City: Nightwars


The heroes of Ulfenkarn have defeated Radukar but what’s next? Cursed City: Nightwars answers that with three new vampires!

It wasn’t too long ago that we sat with famed adventurer and Black Library author CL Werner about the Cursed City novel. The novel was a precursor to the game itself, for those that don’t remember or haven’t read it yet. It was amazing, absolutely an amazing read. Nightwars continues the overall story of Cursed City as three vampires try to fill the power vacuum left by Radukar’s defeat. Of course Radukar has something to say about it too.

Should you somehow defeat the three vampires you will still need to fight Radukar one last time as The Beast. By far one of my favorite Soulblight models, thankfully we had already picked up our own models anticipating they might find use through a White Dwarf article or two. The fact that they tied them into the official expansion was a lucky win for us. Who else purchased these models in hopes of seeing rules for them? I can’t be the only one. At the time I was lucky enough to get everything required and already had all but the Fell Bats painted. The new expansion has already been announced and we are currently missing those models.

Many people complain about the lack of models but I think that is a bit premature. This is similar to White Dwarf releasing character or mission rules. I understand with this box you are paying $60 USD but you are getting components and an expanded rulebook. Both go beyond what you would have received in White Dwarf. For that and the in-depth continuation of the story I feel that this box is essential for Cursed City fans.

Astra Militarum Army Launch Set

Astra Militarum

Games Workshop just put the latest army set up for preorder with Astra Militarum and it includes all new models AND the new codex!

It used to be that when a codex released Games Workshop would release a new model or two along with it that were related. Rarely we would see several boxes release at the same time but with the current edition of the game it has all changed. GW has changed their marketing and release process and it is huge. This started with the Black Templar army box and the Astra Militarum are the latest to take advantage of this style of release.

Featuring the new Codex and a box almost full of new models the Astra Militarum Army Launch Set focuses on Cadia. As far as the miniatures are concerned, the box contains twenty Cadian Shock Troops, a Command Squad, a Field Ordnance Battery, and a Sentinel. Of those only the Sentinel is a previously released. With all these new models they will make perfect additions to my slowly growing Tanith First army but will take some time with kitbashing.

We had the opportunity to open this box and look over the codex and models. We must admit that it is a fantastic starter. I used to think that outside the Gaunt’s Ghosts novels that the AM was nearly as lame as Orks. I hated on the army for years. Seriously. The novels gave me an appreciation for the Tanith only and no other faction. This renewed focus on the faction and the quality of the models we have seen over the last year have me rethinking my stance. My favorite part of the new codex is that you don’t need to build your army as a single regiment, you can have mixed regiments! This is much like with Age of Sigmar blending Grand Alliances. Add that to the model range and I can’t think of a more perfect time to join the Imperial Guard, I mean the Astra Militarum.

Slaves to Darkness Army Box

Slaves to Darkness

The ultimate bad guys in Age of Sigmar are getting a battletome and even better they are starting with the Slaves to Darkness Army Box!

There is one undisputed villain of stories from the Age of Sigmar and that is the Grand Alliance of Chaos. Each of the four main Chaos gods have their own armies but the Slaves to Darkness encompasses Chaos as a whole. To celebrate their new Battletome they have released an Army Box to accompany it. The tome however will release on it’s own, likely in December or January. Out of all of the armies in the Mortal Realms Chaos is my favorite and because I can never settle on a single patron god for long that means this is the best choice for me to get started.

Featuring the newest version of a Daemon Prince, new Chaos Chosen sculpts and the entirely new Ogroid Theridons, this box is not even done with the surprises. Typically these Army Boxes feature some new models, some old, a tome/codex and mission cards. This time they have added Warscrolls as well! There is so much win in this box for a Chaos player like myself. Did I mention that the Daemon Prince has five heads to choose from? Didn’t think so. This means even more opportunities for kitbashes later on as well. Like I said, so much win!

Check out our official unboxing and discussion (plus some Ogor Mawtribes love):

Warhammer Underworlds Gnarlwood


Warbands in the world of Warhammer venture deeper into the Heart of Ghur with the latest Warhammer Underworlds: Gnarlwood!

Warhammer Underworlds is one of those titles that never fails to impress me. Players control a warband consisting of only a handful of models and battle for supremacy in a unique setting. Each location comes with a bit of lore about it to explain your reason for fighting there. Each released warband at that time focuses on that specific objective but any Underworlds warband can be used in the latest edition. This box features two new warbands, the Sons of Velmorn and the Gnarlspirit Pack.

The Sons of Velmorn are an undead/Legions of Nagash warband that focuses on the lineage of Velmorn. A skeletal father and his undead children is an amazing concept. Even in death they can’t escape their duties to the family name and I think it’s brilliant. The Gnarlspirit are another Darkoath themed warband driving deeper into the Gnarlwood. What makes them stand apart from other Darkoath characters is that they are almost beasts themselves and some members even change to beasts. This is a level a savagery that some players may not be used to.

The new box focuses on making it even easier for new players to get started, adding even more ways to play. The primary focus being the Rivals format. Nemesis and Relic formats have been added as well. This is in addition to the classic format we know and love. Rival forces you to have a preset deck to make games more balanced and avoid any issues with poorly made decks. Nemesis allows for mixing your warband deck with a universal deck. Lastly Relic allows you draw from your entire collection of cards. Out of the three I prefer Nemesis because I am crap when it comes to deck building. Relic however offers the most promise because the more cards you have at your disposal means the more chances at domination you will have.

Overall this is one of the best editions of the game (if not the best). It features gorgeous new boards, the best looking undead models and new modes to make the game fresh. What are you waiting for? Order now!

The Leagues of the Votann are here!

Leagues of the Votann

Squats have returned to Warhammer 40k for the first time since 1998 and have been rebranded as the Leagues of the Votann!

Those that have been into Warhammer 40k for a couple decades are familiar with the term Squats but how many are familiar with the Leagues of the Votann? Comparatively I would venture that more people are aware of the Votann now that knew about Squats previously. That has more to do with the size the community has grown. Sure, we’ve lost some along the way to boyfriends, girlfriends and careers but we’ve gained so many more than were lost. According to some of the various themed wiki sites, Games Workshop felt the lore behind the Squats needed to be reworked and ended production on them as a whole.

So what exactly IS a Squat? To the lay they are essentially Space Dwarves. Per the lore they are an impolite nickname for a race that splintered off humanity during the Age of Technology and began cloning themselves to effectively become immortal and like any good dwarf focuses on turning a profit. Their home worlds have such an extreme gravity that their height is effectively stunted and through genetic manipulation have been made to thrive in worlds that would destroy most humans or human like creatures.

A couple years ago a couple Squats found their way into Necromunda and were only available through Forgeworld. These hired guns left the community wanting more and a few months ago the first introductions to the League arrived in Necromunda as their own gang. Soon to follow more and more teases were shared on the Warhammer Community page and they looked fantastic. Warhammer+ at the time of writing now has two episodes of Loremasters and two battle reports dedicated to this new force with more to come! Even if Games Workshop didn’t share an Army Box with us we would be all aboard this hype train. Between the lore and models we are more than excited.

Some person that was majorly talented with Photoshop took some of the recent release announcements and re-imagined what the Leagues would look like if they were done to resemble TMNT and I think I’ve found my next project!

Want to see what we thought of the Army Box in our live unboxing video?

Kill Team: Into the Dark

Kill Team: Into the Dark

Kill Team returns with Into the Dark and this time the battle is aboard a Space Hulk floating in space.

Every once in a while a box comes out that feels like a fundamental shift from what we know about the game and how it plays. Kill Team: Into the Dark is one such box. Where each previous box from the current edition has utilized vertical aspects of the playing field this doesn’t. That’s okay too, it doesn’t need to, that’s one of the many reasons I enjoy Kill Team. In this box the field of battle takes place on a Space Hulk and if I am right it may just be a precursor to a new Space Hulk game. I’m sure if this box does well a new Space Hulk will be on the horizon.

Some of you may be asking, what’s a Space Hulk?

Great question and honestly can be a little difficult to explain in detail as they are all different and so are their threats. A Space Hulk is what happens when dead ships collide with each other, fusing into a labyrinth typically full of horrors. For whatever reason Genestealers seem to love these. My guess it is because there is no shortage of people climbing aboard in search of forgotten technology or treasures. More people means more food. This particular Space Hulk is known as Gallowdark.

What will fighting in Gallowdark mean for list building?

Anyone that has read stories or seen movies that feature boarding actions know that you go in armed for close quarters combat. That means shotguns, knives and claws. Basically things that don’t require precision and pack a hell of a punch. As someone that prefers these kinds of lists my time has come! I am honestly surprised we don’t have an accompanying novel to go with the release. I would love to know more about what happens on the Gallowdark outside of these battles.

Let’s talk about the Kroot for a moment. Previously we have only seen a handful of releases of these mercenaries. Into the Dark features and entire warband and they look fantastic! Blackstone Fortress featured a single Kroot and even Tau releases only saw a couple previously. Normally I would be all about the monster looking forces but this time the Imperial Navy has me intrigued.

That being said, let’s discuss the Navy. Prior to this release I have never seen models representing the Imperial Navy. That’s not including conversions people have done to make their own of course. We’ve seen them plenty of times in artwork, comics and described in novels. Even in Warhammer+ we’ve seen them featured in Angels of Death (great show by the way). Somehow we had never really seen models of them. At least I hadn’t. I did some further research and found a small selection of Voidsmen that were part of the Kill Team: Rogue Trader box but nothing else.

Why has there been a lack of love of the Navy, or the Kroot for that matter?

I admit I don’t know the official reason but I have my suspicions it has more to do with overall interest than anything else. With Kill Team Games Workshop can bring us new armies that otherwise would not have sold well as a full army in 40k. This is similar to the warbands in Warhammer Underworlds. When the Kroot were first introduced I suspect the players did not purchase them is large enough numbers to make them a true focus. It could be more simple than that, it COULD be that there simply aren’t large enough numbers left in the galaxy to be an actual army on their own. Of course it could be a combination of both or any other things. For the Navy I suspect the lack of models has more to do with the lack of battles on ships themselves. Most of the fights are done on the surface of the planet and the Navy wouldn’t be involved in those directly.

What makes this box stand apart for the others in this edition of Kill Team?

The missing vertical terrain is the biggest difference. The setting as mentioned is on the Space Hulk Gallowdark and everything is close quarters. There is no need to raise your guns above or below you. That may change again if they introduce pipes and things that can crawl in them. At the start I suggested that if this box does well we might see another edition of Space Hulk. I stand by that. This reminds me of when Shadow War Armageddon came out. At the time there were no public plans to revitalize Necromunda. The fans demanded it and used the box to revisit the game without having it be an official ‘Munda release. GW heard their voices and gave us a new edition, as I’m sure many of you have seen. For that chance alone this box would be worth grabbing in my opinion. Additionally to the lack of vertical component they’ve added doors. Hear me out. Doors aren’t new themselves but doors that open AND close as an action IS new. We also have added the ability to tear through bulkheads to create new paths!

Final verdict:

Both teams look great and are great for battles like this, they just may not make the cut if you try to add them to a full army in 40k. Kroot immediately have the most versatility there since Tau are able to use them without issue. The Navy will likely need to see some rules for 40k added before they can be added. The similarities to Space Hulk make this box a must for fans of the IP and the fact that it could lead to another edition leaves me hopeful. I would love to see this even splinter off into it’s own game like Underworlds where we see unique Kill Teams designed for this kind of fighting that don’t necessarily fit an army. Overall this box has so much potential and even if I’m wrong it is a fantastic box, well worth your time and money.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar Arcane Cataclysm

Arcane Cataclysm

Lumineth Realmlords face off against the Disciples of Tzeentch in the latest Battlebox for Warhammer Age of Sigmar- Arcane Cataclysm!

Arcane Cataclysm is the most recent Battlebox for Warhammer Age of Sigmar from Games Workshop and features two exclusive models. Both models will be released later on down the road, I would expect in five to six months. Seems like a specific guess, right? My time frame is based on the release of the Echoes of Doom boxset and the fact the two exclusive models in that box are available for preorder along with Arcane Cataclysm. Echoes of doom was released in March and here we are five months later with them up for preorder as of the date of this article going live. Based on this same timeline I would expect the new Curseling and Scinari Enlightener to be released January, February at the latest. Some Chaos players will remember that the Curseling already had a model and may or may not be aware that it was released in resin. This is an entirely new sculpt in plastic.

Both the Lumineth Realmlords and Disciples of Tzeentch are converging on Iliatha, a land where ancient arcane weaponry has fallen. The Realmlords were tasked with keeping them safe and to stop anyone from retrieving the weapons. Weaponry that is arcane in nature and powerful sounds like a prize the Disciples of Tzeentch would be after.

Having no experience with the existing models for either faction previously but I must admit I am a fan of both factions after reviewing this box. With roots in the old High Elves army the Lumineth Realmlords are sleek some great detail in their armor. The Disciples of Tzeenth though don’t have any direct roots from the world that was but these models have a ton of detail just in the exposed muscles of the units alone and look fantastic. Check out our unboxing and discussion of this box:

Warhammer Underworlds Nethermaze


Shadeborn take on an assassin themed Skaven Clawpack in the latest Warhammer Underworlds title- Nethermaze!

Bellow Harrowdeep is the Nethermaze, a location that is essentially an eldritch labyrinth and the home to forbidden treasures. Both warbands are centered around sneaking, killing and are probably the closest alike warbands that aren’t part of the same faction. Games Workshop claims that this box contains the tightest ruleset they’ve released thus far, honed across multiple seasons of the game.

Games can be quite dynamic and almost cinematic. Nearly every turn is full of action and can turn the tide of the fight by just using the right abilities at the right time. The additional cards included for each of the Grand Alliances are a welcome addition as well and each new warband expands on that further. I would love to see some sort of hybrid game that combines the ability card deck building with the classic army battles of Age of Sigmar. As it stands this is a welcome addition to the Underworlds family, not to mention the new models. These are by far the best Skaven models we’ve received in decades.

The Other Warbands:

Mixing necromancy and mad science is the Exiled Dead. Oddly though this warband was advertised as part of Nethermaze but on the box is listed as part of Harrowdeep. Regardless of which edition of Underworlds they are tied to they are a welcome addition to the growing range.

Hexbane’s Hunters add new Witch Hunters to the world of Age of Sigmar and the first Witch Hunter themed warband in Underworlds. They also mark the first warband to be branded with the Nethermaze logo on their boxart that weren’t part of the starter itself. Check out our unboxing of them, they are some great models.

Little is known about Skullgrinder Herax but he is a member of the Gorechosen of Dromm, a Khorne themed warband entering the depths of the maze itself. He looks like a perfect fit for the Scions of the Flame, I think I see some “counts as” playing in my future.

Necromunda Ash Wastes

Ash Wastes
You need to add a widget, row, or prebuilt layout before you’ll see anything here. 🙂

Necromunda takes the gangs out of the hive and puts them against each other in the Ash Wastes but which gang will rule the wasteland?

When first playing Necromunda in the late 90’s I had heard of the Ash Wastes in the lore but the battles were kept to the Hive itself. Most of this region was more rumor than anything else. I’ve been told (but not proven) that issues of White Dwarf around this time included rules for this area and was one of the only ways to play there until now. The hives of Necromunda have stripped the world or resources and leaving the planet desolate and this region became known as the Ash Wastes. Storms of sand and ash regularly ravage or change the landscape and no area truly stays the same.

Out of the box you get a new gang- the Ash Wastes Nomads and a classic gang of Orlocks that come ready to fight in the Wastes. The base rulebook includes rules for the Orlocks and Nomands to use “vehicles” and mentions other gangs being able to use their own in the wastes but lacks the rules to do so. That’s where the Book of The Outlands comes in. It specifically has rules for creating customer vehicles for any gang. Terrain this time around is a bit different. We usually have tons of walls and industrial style pieces for the underhive but out in the wastes it is mostly rocks, sand and ash. Out of the box though it includes some Hab modules designed to help people survive in wastes and make for the perfect visual for playing these games. With the addition of the region and vehicles we now have rules for running people down by your vehicle or mount, adding to the realism. This happens from time to time in some of the battle reports I’ve seen and I know I won’t hesitate to put this to use. I can’t wait to see what else Necromunda has in store for us as we continue to expand.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar Echoes of Doom

Echoes of Doom

Skaven are up to their nefarious deeds once again in Echoes of Doom for Age of Sigmar, this time causing havoc in the Everspring Swathe!

Skaven ride into the Everspring Swathe with a Screaming Bell and a new Deathmaster Assassin, will they be enough to escape from the vengeful Sylvaneth in Echoes of Doom? Skaven have had very few releases in the last few years beyond repackaging existing sprues and with the exception of Bloodbowl or Underworlds have had no plastic releases for assassins or gutter runners. That is, until now and he looks fantastic. Skaven aren’t the only ones to receive a new model in this box either. Sylvaneth players will get the Lady of Vines and a new unit of Gossamid Archers.

I am a huge fan of boxes like this as they make for an easy jumping on point for two armies and give you plenty of models for games of Warcry. There is also a lot of versatility in these boxes like with the Screaming Bell. This kit doubles as a Plague Furnace, however the assembly instructions only include steps to build the Screaming Bell version. This is the same with the Spirit of Durthu which has the components but lacks the instructions to be built as a Treelord. Even without the instructions though this is a ton of bank for your bucks.